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 参观这个芭蕾舞团是许多家庭度假计划的必修课 。彼得·柴可夫斯基 (Peter Tchaikovsky) 的芭蕾舞剧《胡桃夹子》(The Nutcracker) 是寒假不可或缺的一部分,此外还有装饰圣诞树、装饰房屋、会见朋友和购买礼物。雪花优美的华尔兹、糖梅仙子优美的舞蹈、明快的西班牙和阿拉伯舞蹈、发条的俄罗斯特雷帕克和优雅的“玫瑰华尔兹”——这种华丽表演的多彩调色板被视为一个重要元素的假期。

Oksana Bondarenko the Nutcracker
Snowflakes Kyiv City Ballet


彼得·柴可夫斯基 (Pyotr Tchaikovsky) 在胡桃夹子中谈到了他最喜欢的主题;只有爱的力量才能战胜邪恶的咒语。胡桃夹子只有在克拉拉赶紧帮助他时才变成王子。这个主题决定了明亮的节日气氛和主要人物的戏剧性历史的独特结合。


“The Nutckracker” ballet is ideal as the first ballet with which children will become acquainted. Additionally, both to small spectators and adult ballet-lovers, the ballet will definitely offer a feeling of admiration for beauty and fill all with holiday spirit any time of year! The ballet-extravaganza, “The Nutcracker”, has been presented by our troupe at various international festivals and tours and has given viewers in many countries of the world the opportunity to plunge into a fairy tale!

Rose waltz Kyiv City Ballet the Nutcracker


Ballet for All Kyiv City Ballet
Comical Concert Kyiv City Ballet
Don Quixote Kyiv City Ballet
Giselle Kyiv City Ballet
The Nutcracker Kyiv City Ballet
Once upon a night in May Kyiv City Ballet
Romeo & Juliet Kyiv City Ballet
Bondarenko aurora in the castle_edited
Swan Lake Kyiv City Ballet
Nash -- 076 c_edited
Tribute to Peace by Kyiv City Ballet

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